1-1-2020: Marshall&Swift / Corelogic is our exclusive Valuation tool for all of our reports 3-26-2020: COVID-19 specific codes of conduct initiated for all field staff. It is designed not only to protect them, but also extra patience and courtesy to your Insureds is stressed until COVID is controlled. Management is involved in any issues arising from our surveys, as needed. 4-15-2020: "Virtual" Inspection modification made to existing LONG Forms, so as to be able to perform Surveys in remote areas, or in situations where an Insured does not want anyone "on site" 6-1-2020: Commercial surveys that involve a "residential" style structure get a reduced-cost M/SB Valuation, allowing a $10 savings per survey. 9-1-2020: We are taking a "More TEXAS-focused" strategy moving into 2021 and will be performing a much higher % of reports only in TEXAS.
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