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How It Works


Our Services Custom Reports How It Works


Ordering Methods:


bulletOrder on-line at (Click here for directions)
bulletOrder by e-mail (Excel file or any order template) to:
bulletOrder by XML - call to discuss setup details


Client Partner Approach:

We are here to be your eyes and ears in the field. Our staff can customize forms with you, answer any question you might have, and help with any special needs.


Our EZSurveyform database allows the report product to be tracked, checked for status by you and pulled off to your office via internet connection. This can be done from any computer with internet connection.

We can also E-mail reports in MS Word.doc or Adobe PDF format to you.


Quick Turn-Around for your Convenience:

We know how important our client's time is to them. This is why we set a goal of 25 days for turnaround on any order. Of course, remote areas may take longer if workload is light in area. Phone surveys or Virtual "interview" surveys will be done within 15 days or less. Some virtual reports have Insured-provided photos added (new for 2020)


How to place on Online Order:

Placing an online order is simple: Just enter your user name (First Name and First Capital Letter of Last Name) into the log-in area on the left side of the web page. Then enter your password (4 digit client code) and click the "log in" button.


Example:   User: markD

                 Password: 1234


Do you wish to become a client?  Click here to request your client code for online ordering.









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North Star Reports
640 Creekwood Lane
Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
Copyright © 2006 North Star Reports